The history of Islam is a rich and multifaceted narrative that spans over 14 centuries, beginning in the 7th century with the life of Prophet Muhammad, who Muslims consider the last prophet God sent to guide humanity.
Born in Makkah, Muhammad (PBUH) received revelations from God, which were later compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam. His teachings quickly attracted a following, and the community of believers, or ummah, began to grow.
After migrating to Madinah, Muhammad (PBUH) established an Islamic state, setting the foundation for the rapid expansion of Islam through the Arabian Peninsula. Following his death, the faith continued to spread under the leadership of the Caliphs, reaching far beyond the Middle East to regions such as North Africa, Europe, and Asia. The Islamic Golden Age, from the 8th to the 14th century, saw significant advancements in science, technology, philosophy, and the arts, with scholars such as Avicenna and Averroes making lasting contributions. The history of Islam is also marked by the establishment of various dynasties, like the Umayyads, Abbasids, and Ottomans, each leaving their own cultural and architectural legacy.
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